Take from this world. There is so much that it offers you.
Learn from others. Sit at the feet of the wise. Learn their ways.
Humble yourself to God's direction and wisdom.
Be willing. Give back. Love.
These are my goals.
Join us.

Thursday, October 28, 2010


First, google this:  Ramsey Rd, 8AZ.  That was my final destination.
Now, google this:  Acton Town Station, London.  That is where I started
I arrive in Heathrow International this morning a little before six am.  The flight, via Toronto, was decently pleasant- props to Air Canada.  After spending a bit of time at the airport trying to sort of contacts here, I decided to take off for London.  Boarding the underground, I took the Piccadilly line to Acton Town station.  My final destination was Ramsey Rd, W3.  From there took a right on Bollo Ln and then a left on Bollo Bridge Rd.  After taking a right on Palmerston Rd I crossed the tracks and proceeded on Kingswood Rd which turns into Cunnington St.  At Parade I took a left to walk around the park.
At this point, I have been walking for a while.  I had a forty plus pound backpack on and a twenty-five plus pound hand bag.  All this while I've been asking people which way to go.  I paid 20p for the rest room and after asking a traffic police where to go, started up Beaconsfield Rd which turns in to Acton Ln.  I asked a man where Ramsey Rd might be.  He, being the only one apparently, knew the street.  So I continued on Acton Ln.  Under the bridge and took the the second left on Leythe Rd.  I asked another innocent person for directions and he sent me back around to take first left.  Now I'm back on Bollo Bridge Rd.  The first left is Ramsey.  I was finally there.
About an hour and a half prior, I was three blocks away.  My feet are a little sore and my hip hurts.
That's just the beginning...