Take from this world. There is so much that it offers you.
Learn from others. Sit at the feet of the wise. Learn their ways.
Humble yourself to God's direction and wisdom.
Be willing. Give back. Love.
These are my goals.
Join us.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Hong Kong Day One.

It's 7am on Sunday here in HK;15 hours in the future from home. Writing this, I'm laying in bed at Sice's house. Sice is a host for couch surfing, a website/organization that connect homes and locals with sleepy travelers. I arrived in HK via Teipai on Friday noon with anticipation of something new. New sites and sounds and generally familiar smells greeted me as the bus quickly unloaded me in Kawloon city. Using GoogleMaps location, Adam's detailed instructions, and quick check with a local, I found my way to the Communication and Visual Arts building on the Baptist University campus where Sice and I had planned to meet. There was a high school senior art expedition there on campus and I was invited on a personal tour by the professor whom also helped me contact and connect with Sice. He was very kind. We walked through the gallery as we explained the context of each piece. Most here directly related to the umbrella revelation and other political issues and concerns. This piece shows Hong Kong in its stages of growth and struggle.

After connecting with Sice for a moment, I searched a five block radius for wifi and finally found a Starbucks. Thank goodness for Seattle. Adam, a good friend from high school graciously endured the heat and found me there. We hopped on bus and went to his apartment which is slightly larger than a shoe box standing on end. I took a shower and we were ready to explore. We took the metro under the water from the Pinensula to the Island and used an open air tour bus to see the city.

HK has the most sky scrapers in the world so with that many, they have to get creative. Do you see the Panda Bears climbing the one in the right? And they are always expanding their city.

We finished with a ferry ride back to the peninsula, a quick view of the sky line, and an incredible symphony performance with an amazing violin soloist. The day came to a close and the many steps of HK Day Two were waiting for us.

(Looking South at the Island from the Peninsula.)

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