Take from this world. There is so much that it offers you.
Learn from others. Sit at the feet of the wise. Learn their ways.
Humble yourself to God's direction and wisdom.
Be willing. Give back. Love.
These are my goals.
Join us.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Hong Kong Day Two.

Let's start with breakfast.
We found a place the served traditional HK/Chinese food. We had grilled green beans, fried rice, and a couple vegetable/ tofu dishes. We ate with chop sticks. All those opportunities state side to practice and I used the fork. It was a good meal. Filling and lasted us, now that I think about it, all day!

We started out toward Dragon's back, a hike that was recommended my a few friends. The Metro put us out onto the street as we follow the super helpful instructions of a blog found by Em M. At a left turn, almost before we could check the map, a man walked up and said,
"Where you going? Where you going?"
He was onto us. We gathered this hike was pretty popular as he told about 12 times how to get there. We took a left and headed up the hill towards the cemetery.

We climbed the steps through the middle and met Channing, an Engineer interning in the area for a few months. We stuck together the rest of the day.

We kept climbing up until we came to cross roads and took a right heading South-ish on a paved path. The path wrapped around the hill as it offered a few views of the city and bay below.

The path eventually turned to dirt as we were partially covered by a small canopy. There were also flowing streams and dried creek beds along the way.

The path kept a large curl as we finished up the tail and emerged onto the lower back of the dragon.

We gradually made our way up the back and to the crest where the path opened up revealing green hill sides scaling to beach and ocean.

We decend the right of the neck to Shek O Road where we caught a bus down to the beach.

We were sweating so so much. I felt like the water was coming out of my skin as fast as I was drinking it. It's a good feeling I guess but we were very ready to get in the water.

It was a little colder than we had thought and the clouds had covered a little more than usual so I wasn't ready to go all in. Never the less, it was refreshing. The locals were catching little fish and putting them in a water bottle to eat later. They were using little toy nets and mostly the kids were doing it but we tried using our hands and actually caught a few. The ocean was pretty dirty. There was lots of trash floating and the water was a light brown color. Still refreshing though!

We showered off and started the bus ride back to Hong Kong. We had planned to eat out at Adam's favorite Indian restaurant that evening and we were so ready for it. Adam ordered several dishes that we all shared and honestly it was so good and I was so hungry I remember much about the dishes. The first one was a crispy shell wrapped around a bit of curry in the middle. And the rest was just super tasty.

We parted ways with Channing (to randomly see him again 20 mins later at a Metro stop) and headed to the the base of Victoria Peak.

Tourist for days. This was the spot to be apparently. We lined up and actually got a great seat right next to window. The mountain is steep and I was told it gets up to a 45 degree angle at one point.

We got off in a bustle of people and found our way to the observation deck, looking North. The view was amazing! We then looked out over the bay on the west side without city light. Such a contrast.

Then we got an ice cream cones at Burger King with the best view in the world, I assume. (Proof.)

And that was the day! It was long and amazing. And we slept hard. The next day, I was off to Bangkok.


  1. Sweet!! That sounds like a lot of fun. I so wish I was young and free again. You better not get too tied down like me cuz in 10 years I'm gonna want you as my world tour guide.
