Take from this world. There is so much that it offers you.
Learn from others. Sit at the feet of the wise. Learn their ways.
Humble yourself to God's direction and wisdom.
Be willing. Give back. Love.
These are my goals.
Join us.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

The Little Things.

It was a long day. It's been continually raining the last few days here. Everything is soaking wet and it's not easy to dry clothes in the humidity. Life is great.

I have gone to a local migrant (Burmese) school these last two mornings to help teach English class for one hour. We are talking about healthy living and it's sad to see so many foods of affluence such as KFC and GMO products pollute their world. They are becoming more comfortable asking questions and speaking English with me. At first they felt embarrassed, as any high schooler does in a second-language course.

Yesterday afternoon, we found some bamboo. It was a short hike through the trees on small paths next to rice fields. We are going to use the bamboo to make a garden fence. It was fun chopping down tall shoots. Side note, lots of angry ants with pointy abdomens and sharp jaws fell on me. Their bits still hurt. As we were cutting the bamboo into shorter pieces I was thinking, how are going to split this. But this whole thing wasn't new to them. They placed the knife on the end of the bamboo and hit the back side of the knife into the end with another price of bamboo. Often it's better to watch and learn.

Today at the clinic I was in Adult Medical In-Patient Ward. It was interesting. Lungs sound terrible when there's something wrong. And I am very thankful for vaccines.

I love maps. Not Google maps. I love maps that I can touch and write on and unfold and fold and that take up the whole table and I can dream with. I bought the kids at Agape two maps today; one of southeast Asia and one of the world. We put them up in their meeting hall as they were finishing their homework. Today in school, some of them learned a bit about their neighboring countries. And now they have a map to see them. While looking at the world map, Myo Aung Oo told me, "I always wondered what the rest of the world looked like. I didn't know where all these places are but now I do!" Vision and potential should go hand-in-hand. Here, it seems vision is large and potential is suffocated by proud governments and greedy people. There is hope though. And for right now, we start with the little things.

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